Our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W also wear rings. But it is not unheard of way namely wear no more than two rings form our other features. Sometimes wearing the sake only, sometimes in the right hand fingers and sometimes on the left hand fingers.Very different it is with people in today's world, where people in our time when interest in the ten-finger rings worn by the ten ring. Well so far the difference huh?And it is the Prophet's rings rather than silver and pearl dipebuat than agate. And once the Prophet Muhammad wearing a gold ring time before it descended again namely clause forbidding men to wear gold. Then the verse was revealed when the prophet was soon to take it off and told all her friends are wearing gold rings that menanggalkannnya.Muhammmad our Prophet SAW was wearing a ring on the ring finger of the right or the left, and sometimes the Prophet also use the left and right pinky finger. Engraved on the ring that Prophet Muhammad Rasulullah namely to carve his name in the ring, and it also acts as a prophet to the people to allow his people to carve the name of the wearer in the ring, not the name of the Prophet Muhammad as contained in the hadith where the Prophet Muhammad:Does that mean:Narrated than the Companions of the Prophet SAW called Anas bin Malik RA. He says, is carving or inscription on the ring Prophet Muhammad was the first three lines, the second and third apostle of God.And those in the book Bahrulmazi, that free people have ijma all Fekah, makruh ruling actually wearing the ring on the index finger or middle finger or thumb, kerana Prophet wore no ring on these fingers. And makruh also legal for women to wear silver rings silver ring kerana provision for men.WHERE TO RING LOST PROPHETS S.A.WMentioned in the hadith Sohih Bukhari and Muslim narrated rather than a best friend named Anas bin Malik RA said, is an engraved ring Prophet Muhammad the Prophet during his life always wore, then after the death of the Prophet SAW also used by Sayyidina Abu Bakr RA, then after the death of Abu Bakr RA also used by Sayyidina Umar RA, later again after the death of Sayyidina Umar RA was used by Sayyidina Usman RA. And it is a long time used by Sayyidina Usman is for 7 years, and then on one day go to a cistern Sayyidina Usman named Aris and he sat on the edge of the dungeon. Then toyed with the ring on her finger,ring suddenly fell into the cistern. Then said Anas bin Malik RA hadith that tells us down into the dungeon to find her, we drain the water but no we jumpainya, then repeated our shuttle to the dungeon for three days, but all of them empty.So since the loss of the Holy Prophet's ring, it became a riot, and there different kinds of disputes between the Muslims and the emergence of different kinds of rebellion. Also wars and murders itself victorious sehinggan Sayyidina Uthman was killed by the rebels. And this situation so that the continuous to our own time. And maybe the continuous until the Day of Resurrection. So if you look at than the events that we will meet one conclusion that free ring that has a Prophet Rahsia like the U.S. where the ring of Solomon, namely if the missing ring was then disappears kingdom.
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